You may find this of interest. How money and greed really work.
Esse quam videri
JoinedPosts by Esse quam videri
Biggest SCAM in the history of mankind - [except for Watchtower]
by Esse quam videri inyou may find this of interest.
how money and greed really work..
Esse quam videri
Kendrick " Letter of Introduction " from Elders regarding Candace Conti Case
by flipper inas many of us saw in the pbs news hour program and the abc news nightline program the elders from one congregation failed to communicate properly to the elders in another congregation concerning the child molester jonathan kendrick when he moved to a new congregation.
i have parts of this " introduction letter " from the fremont congregation to the oakley congregation elders so you can read it for yourself and decide how irresponsible these wt appointed elders were.
dated 1/16/98 it opens : .
Esse quam videri
He is a very interesting individual who has taken the lead with some YOUNG ONES in the congregation and helped them from ' VEERING OFF COURSE.
He is a very horny individual who has taken advantage of some young ones in the congregation and caused them to veer off course.
WT instructions on NOT copying the 'Shepherd Flock of God' book.
by Esse quam videri inshepherd the flock of god.
1 peter 5:2.
this publication is congregation property.
Esse quam videri
—1 PETER 5:2
This publication is congregation property. A
copy is issued to each appointed elder. If an el-
der is deleted for reasons other than moving to
another congregation with a favorable recom-
mendation, he should turn over this handbook
to the Congregation Service Committee. The
secretary should keep the book in the congrega-
tion’s file so that it may be returned to the
brother if he is reappointed as an elder. No
copies are to be made of any part of this publi-
cation. Neither is it to be converted into any
electronic format.
Oops. I am so bad.
To members of this forum those words are the equivalent of telling a little kid, ' Don't eat the chocolates I left on the table. Those big, tasty chocolates right there in the bowl. Don't eat them. Well I am going to have a nap. Now remember, don't eat any of those nice tasty chocolates.'
Shepherding textbook in digital format 2012 Printing
by hildebrando in"the watchtower is butchering the 2010 elders manual, and has released this new one to all elders.
to many court cases involve exposing the 2010 elder manual, so now the watchtower is changing a few things with this new one".
Where is it said , not to independently do deep study of scripture
by william draper ini do believe it is written somewhere in jw literature .
And so it begins...
by StarTrekAngel inwife and i have not reported a single hour of fs in 3-4 months.
while my wife is mostly doing for me (positive thing), i know she would have rather done it.
elder asked me to turn in my fs report this past week and then he added... "we need to talk".
Esse quam videri
"we need to talk"
I know, I know. I've been thinking about it ever since I saw you coming out of that massage parlour.
Watch last minute of this You Tube video. Sound like any organization you know?
by Esse quam videri inyoung turks do a good job in talking about wacko cults..
11:08 - 12:08.
Esse quam videri
Young Turks do a good job in talking about WACKO cults.
11:08 - 12:08
A question about the 'baptism talk' at current assemblies.
by Esse quam videri inmy memory is that after the 'candidates' answered the questions, the speaker stated that they should be 'baptized without delay' or words to that effect.
is this still the case.
is there any recording you can refer me too which gives the audible evidence?
Esse quam videri
My memory is that after the 'candidates' answered the questions, the speaker stated that they should be 'baptized without delay' or words to that effect. Is this still the case. Is there any recording you can refer me too which gives the audible evidence?
Thank-you for your reply.
What would happen if all or most of the Governing Body died in some kind of accident?
by Esse quam videri inwith the organization controlled, totally and completely by the governing body, what would the watchtower society do to hold it all together if all or most of the governing body were to die?.
would the legal department step in and issue orders?
would the rest of the gb quickly appoint new members?
Esse quam videri
I picture elders and publishers walking around aimlessly in the Kingdom Hall bumping into chairs and walls.
I think that, as long as it was delivered by or in print, that most would obey any order or instructions that they received. I don't think many would ask questions. They would just want someone, anyone, to give directions, no questions asked.
What would happen if all or most of the Governing Body died in some kind of accident?
by Esse quam videri inwith the organization controlled, totally and completely by the governing body, what would the watchtower society do to hold it all together if all or most of the governing body were to die?.
would the legal department step in and issue orders?
would the rest of the gb quickly appoint new members?
Esse quam videri
With the organization controlled, totally and completely by the Governing Body, what would the Watchtower Society do to hold it all together IF ALL OR MOST of the Governing Body were to die?
Would the legal department step in and issue orders?
Would the rest of the GB quickly appoint new members?
What if they all died?
Who could have enough authority to take control?
Would someone have to pull a Judge Rutherford and seize control?